Real Quick Thoughts:
I haven't Spoken on the Trayvon Martin Case not because I dont care..I Do! And Very Much So..I haven't Spoken on It Because Everyone is Making it a Race Issue.
I wasn't going to Speak on it Until I saw this Picture and its Caption.
It States this Case didn't Get Media Attention because it was a Black on White Crime.... WRONG!
Murder is Murder No Matter what Race You are its WRONG! The Killers in the above Picture were Arrested and Charged. Theres a Difference.
In his Death Trayvon Martinis a Leader of Unity. His Death is Not about Black or White in My Eyes its about a Grown Man who Killed a Child.
The Trayvon Martin case is about an Armed Man claiming self-defense against an Unarmed Child. George Zimmerman a Self Appointed Vigilante.
More Importantly it Shines a Light on Florida Law: Chapter 776: The statute is as Stated “JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE.”
In Layman Terms: The Right to Kill! ..and Sadly in a Two Person Confrontation this is Hard to Prove Otherwise without a Witness.
George Zimmerman was Told by the 911 Dispatcher NOT to Follow Trayvon but he continued! Is it because he knew he was Armed and was Ready to Shoot at Will! Would Zimmerman had continued to Follow Trayvon if he was Unarmed? ...Probably NOT
But the Fact that Trayvon screamed 'HELP' more than 3x is Proof that He wasn't Harming Zimmerman and indeed needed HELP Himself.Many people in this Country are killed and more than many are innocent! This is NOT a Black or White Issue its a Grey Issue that hads to do with what's WRONG and
Innocent People are Killed Everyday in this Country and Tons go Out without this type of media attention. The difference in this case is a 17 year old almost MAN was murdered in an unjust fashion, and the killer is able to walk free.
Martin was almost a man, but died a child coming home from the store from buying Skittles & Ice Tea...